Gordon Ramsay’s Left Over Roast Chicken Salad

This can be a quick recipe this uses up your leftover chicken from yesterday evening (you probably did eat chicken last week, right?). If you’re likely to pack the lunch to visit, always store the chicken and watercress in a variety of containers and mix them when you’re willing to eat.

This recipe derives from Gordon Ramsay’s Fast Food which can be a wonderful cook book. You can get it on Amazon.com around $20.

Special Salads & Fabulous Fruits

Trim 7oz watercress, detaching the stalks, then wash and dry in some recoverable format towels. Slice or shred the meat from 1/2 roast chicken.

For the dressing, mix the juice of 1/2 lemon with 6 tbsp extra virgin olive oil, adding any pan juices in the roast chicken and salt and pepper to taste. Toss the chicken inside dressing.

Add the watercress towards the chicken right before serving and toss to blend. Serve with lemon wedges privately and a few chunks of crusty baguette.

Chef Gordon Ramsay Pics

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