Embark on your culinary journey by learning from the master himself, Gordon Ramsay, as he reveals his expert techniques for crafting the perfect homemade pasta from scratch. In this tutorial, you will gain invaluable insights into the art of pasta making while following along with Gordon Ramsay’s step-by-step instructions. From selecting the right flour and eggs to achieving the ideal consistency and texture of the dough, every critical detail will be covered in this comprehensive guide. To dive deeper into the method of making pasta dough, visit Gordon Ramsay Cooks. Get ready to elevate your pasta game to a whole new level with the guidance of a culinary maestro.

Key Takeaways:

  • Quality Ingredients: Ramsay emphasizes the use of high-quality flour and eggs to create the perfect pasta dough.
  • Kneading Technique: He stresses the importance of kneading the dough until it is smooth and elastic, which helps develop the gluten for the ideal texture.
  • Resting Time: Allowing the dough to rest before rolling it out is crucial for achieving the right consistency and preventing it from shrinking while cooking.
  • Proper Rolling and Shaping: Ramsay demonstrates the correct technique for rolling out the pasta dough and shaping it into different pasta varieties, such as tagliatelle or pappardelle.
  • Cooking Technique: He emphasizes the importance of cooking the fresh pasta in well-salted boiling water and then finishing it in the sauce for the best flavor absorption.

Preparing Your Workspace

Some preparation is necessary before you start making homemade pasta from scratch. Ensuring your workspace is clean, organized, and properly equipped will set the stage for a successful pasta-making experience. Here’s what you need to do.

Equipment Needed

When preparing to make homemade pasta, it’s important to have the right tools on hand. You will need a large, clean work surface, such as a well-cleaned countertop or a large cutting board. Additionally, you’ll need a rolling pin, pasta machine, or stand mixer with a pasta rolling attachment. Other essential tools include a sharp knife, a fork, and a pastry brush for sealing and cutting the pasta.

Selecting Your Ingredients

The quality of your homemade pasta greatly depends on the ingredients you choose. For the flour, you’ll want to use high-quality, finely ground semolina or “00” flour, which is specially milled for pasta making. The eggs should be fresh and at room temperature. You may also choose to add a pinch of salt and a splash of olive oil to enhance the flavor and texture of your pasta dough. Remember that using fresh, high-quality ingredients will result in a more flavorful and authentic homemade pasta.

Dough Preparation

Any good pasta dish starts with the perfect homemade pasta dough. Making pasta dough from scratch can seem intimidating, but with the right guidance and technique, you can achieve the perfect texture and flavor for your homemade pasta.

Mixing the Ingredients

First, you need to gather your ingredients: all-purpose flour and eggs. For every cup of flour, you will need one large egg. You can also add a pinch of salt for flavor. You’ll want to create a well in the center of your flour, and crack the eggs into the well. Use a fork to gradually mix the eggs and flour together until a dough starts to form. This process should be done gradually, and you should work the flour into the eggs until it becomes a cohesive mass.

Kneading the Dough

Once the dough starts to come together, you will need to knead it. Kneading the dough is crucial to developing the gluten in the flour, which gives the pasta its texture. You should knead the dough for about 8-10 minutes, until it becomes smooth and elastic. This will require some physical effort, but it is essential to achieving the perfect pasta dough.

Resting the Dough

After kneading the dough, it is important to let it rest. This allows the gluten to relax, making the dough easier to roll out and shape. Cover the dough with a clean kitchen towel and let it rest at room temperature for at least 30 minutes. This will make the dough more workable and will give your homemade pasta a better texture.

Shaping the Pasta

For shaping the pasta, you will need to carefully roll out the dough and cut it into the desired shapes. This step is crucial in creating the perfect homemade pasta that Gordon Ramsay is known for.

Rolling Out the Dough

When rolling out the pasta dough, remember to take your time and work in small sections. Use a quality pasta machine to ensure the dough is rolled out to the desired thickness. Start with the machine on the widest setting and gradually work your way down to the desired thickness, dusting the dough with flour as needed to prevent sticking. This process can be a bit challenging at first, but with practice, you will achieve the perfect consistency.

Cutting Pasta Shapes

Once the dough is rolled out to the desired thickness, it’s time to cut it into shapes. You can use a sharp knife or a pasta cutter to create traditional shapes such as fettuccine or tagliatelle. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can also try your hand at shaping ravioli or tortellini. This step requires precision and patience, but the end result is well worth the effort.

Cooking the Pasta

Keep in mind that the cooking process is just as crucial as making the pasta dough itself. When the water is boiling, add a generous amount of salt to the pot. This is your one chance to flavor the pasta from the inside out, so don’t shy away from it. You want the water to be as salty as the sea, as Gordon Ramsay often says.

Boiling the Pasta

When you add the pasta to the boiling water, ensure that it is completely submerged. Stir the pasta immediately to prevent it from sticking together. The stirring should continue intermittently throughout the cooking process. Remember to follow the cooking time indicated on the pasta package, but start testing for doneness a few minutes before the recommended time. The pasta should be cooked until it is tender but still has a slight firmness when you bite into it.

Perfect Al Dente Texture

To achieve the perfect al dente texture, pay close attention to the cooking time. You want the pasta to be cooked but not overdone. The best way to determine if the pasta is ready is by tasting it. Take a piece out of the pot and bite into it. It should have a slight resistance or “toothsome” texture when you chew it. Remember that the pasta will continue to cook for a few minutes after you drain it, so keep this in mind when testing for doneness.

Gordon Ramsay’s Tips and Tricks

Despite homemade pasta seeming like a daunting task, Gordon Ramsay has a few tips and tricks up his sleeve to ensure your pasta turns out just like his. The first key to success is using the right type of flour. Ramsay recommends using ’00’ flour for its high protein content, which ensures a chewy and textured pasta dough. Another important tip is to achieve the right balance of moisture in the dough. This can make or break your pasta making experience, so be sure to add the eggs gradually and adjust accordingly. Lastly, Ramsay emphasizes the importance of resting the dough. Letting the dough rest for at least 30 minutes ensures that the gluten has time to relax, making it easier to roll out and cut.

Recognizing the value of visual aids, Gordon Ramsay has shared a video tutorial demonstrating his homemade pasta dough recipe on Facebook, providing additional guidance to ensure your pasta-making process is as seamless as possible.

Seasoning and Flavor Enhancements

When it comes to seasoning and enhancing the flavor of your homemade pasta, Gordon Ramsay recommends using quality sea salt to season the pasta water. Additionally, he suggests adding a pinch of nutmeg to the pasta dough for a subtle but distinct flavor. Ramsay emphasizes that these small details can elevate the overall taste of your pasta dish, making it stand out in a crowd.

Sauce Pairing Suggestions

Gordon Ramsay has a keen eye for pairing the perfect sauce with homemade pasta. He recommends lighter, oil-based sauces such as aglio e olio for delicate pastas like angel hair or fettuccine. For heartier pastas such as pappardelle or rigatoni, Ramsay suggests opting for rich, flavorful sauces like bolognese or carbonara. Pairing the right sauce with your homemade pasta can truly elevate the dish and bring out the best flavors.


From above, you have learned that Gordon Ramsay makes the perfect homemade pasta from scratch by carefully selecting the right flour and eggs, and ensuring the dough is properly kneaded and rested. His attention to detail and emphasis on using simple, high-quality ingredients is what sets his pasta apart. By following his steps and techniques, you can also create delicious, fresh pasta in your own kitchen. Remember to exercise patience and precision as you work through the process, and don’t be afraid to experiment with different shapes and flavors. With practice and dedication, you can master the art of making homemade pasta just like Gordon Ramsay.


Q: What are the ingredients needed to make homemade pasta from scratch?

A: The basic ingredients for homemade pasta are simple: all-purpose flour, eggs, and a pinch of salt.

Q: Is it necessary to use a pasta machine to make homemade pasta?

A: While a pasta machine can make the process easier, it is not necessary. You can roll out the dough with a rolling pin and cut it into desired shapes by hand.

Q: How long should the pasta dough be kneaded?

A: The pasta dough should be kneaded for at least 10 minutes, until it becomes smooth and elastic.

Q: How thin should the pasta dough be rolled out?

A: The pasta dough should be rolled out until it is about 1/16 of an inch thick, or thin enough to see your hand through when held up to light.

Q: How long should homemade pasta be cooked for?

A: Fresh homemade pasta cooks much quicker than store-bought pasta. It typically only needs to cook for 1-3 minutes in boiling water.

Q: How can I prevent homemade pasta from sticking together?

A: To prevent homemade pasta from sticking together, be sure to generously flour the pasta after cutting it into desired shapes and before cooking.

Q: Can homemade pasta be made in advance?

A: Yes, homemade pasta can be made in advance. Simply let it dry for a few hours or overnight, then store it in an airtight container until ready to use.

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How does Gordon Ramsay make the perfect homemade pasta from scratch? Embark on your culinary journey by learning from the master himself, Gordon Ramsay, as he reveals his expert techniques for crafting the perfect homemade pasta from scratch. In this tutorial, you will gain invaluable insights into the art of pasta making while following along with Gordon Ramsay’s step-by-step instructions. From selecting the right flour and [...]
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