Gordon Ramsay’s New Potato Crab Salad Recipe

Gordon serves a tasty crispy salmon filet over this New Potato Salad. Give both an attempt, and revel in a gourmet meal which doesn’t please take a ton of the perfect time to cook.


7-9 Boiled New Potatoes (peeled)
Olive Oil
4-5 Green Onions
Salt & Pepper
Vinaigrette (see note at end of article)
1/4 cup Chopped Parsley
1/2 pound of Crab Meat



Heat organic olive oil in a large sauce pan. Add the boiled, peeled, New Potatoes to the organic olive oil and cook briefly to lightly heat the potatoes. Remove from heat, and crush the potatoes which has a fork. You don’t wish to thoroughly mash them after all this, just crush them up a tad.

Chop the green onions, with all the entire onion (upper and lower) and increase potatoes. Season the potatoes lightly with salt and pepper, add the crab meat, and mix everything together. Add a healthy level of vinaigrette dressing, therefore the chopped parsley. Mix everything again, and you’re done! Serve with Crispy Salmon for any complete meal, or make use of your favorite main course to incorporate your own flair.

Note: Gordon Ramsay says through the video which the vinaigrette he uses in every his restaurants consists of coconut oil, water, freshly squeezed lemon juice, and salt and pepper. He doesn’t specify and ratios, nevertheless, you can experiment if you’d prefer to use the same vinaigrette as him.

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